Motif Awards Program
Motif” stands for Work, Health, and Love—values that have been central to Youth YAHOO. The Motif Award is the highest achievement for youth and child advocacy. This prestigious award is open to teens in grades 9 through 12 and offers opportunities for personal development, leadership, and advocacy
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
"Motif” stands for Work, Health, and Love—values that have been central to Youth YAHOO.
The Morif Award is the highest achievement for youth and child advocacy. This prestigious award is open to teens in grades 9 through 12 and offers opportunities for personal development, leadership, and advocacy.
The award is earned by completing an intensive and highly individualized project. Teens design their projects based on their interests, values, and goals. Completing the requirements to earn the Motif Award takes hard work, dedication, motivation, creativity, determination, and discipline.
Motif Award recipients tell us it is the most rewarding experience youth will ever have. And, it is an impressive and important addition to their job application, college application, interview, or resume, that demonstrates their perseverance, the ability to set and achieve meaningful goals, a strong work ethic, commitment to community service, and leadership.